Visited India, Thailand, and Bangladesh for research on food ecology.
Completed Ph.D.course at epidemical class of medical school in
Tokyo University.
Worked at Toita women's college as instructor untill 1983.

Visited South Asian countries such as Cambodia for research on
food ecology.

Had one month training at editorial office and Institute of "Good
House Keeping" in New York , number one selling women's magazine,
for starting Japanese women's magazine on health and food "Living
Book" ( current "Esse") and Living Book Institute.
Served as member of editorial board and chief scientist for "Esse"
until 1984.

Visited Korea for research on food ecology. Studied on soybean
protein at Living Book Institute.

Visited refugee camps in South East Asian Countries such as Thailand,
Cambodia, and Nepal as reporter of documentary program on TV Asahi
for their marking the 30th anniversary of their broadcasting.
Received ESSE female scientist incentive award for study on food,
lifestyle and health on Women during the climacteric period.

Established "Sugahara food ecology research institute"
to research and examine creating better food environment through
food ecology both from Eastern and Western medicine point of view.
Traveled across the U.S. for 5-day-long documentary program on
TV TOKYO and for research on American diet.
Worked with coalition to Tokyo women's medical university, we
researched obesity among elementary school students and blood
characteristic, also eating habit.
Researched on relations between blood sugar level and human diet,
and also did basic study on minerals in human hair.

Researched on food ecology in a village near Zimbabwe refugee
Her experience in Africa was put together in "Yuta's big
"Yuta's big summer" was selected as excellent book by
selection board for good children's books in Japan, and also as
excellent children's book by the Ministry of Health and Welfare
in Japan.
Published, " Children's misbehavior was caused by food",
"Getting fat, getting thin".
Appointed as councilor in Japan Health Medicine Association.

Took part regularly in a radio program for Japanese American listeners
in Hawaii for a year. Went to Brazil to visit Japanese descent
pioneering village and to research food ecology. Took part regularly
on TV show " The origin of my taste" by ministry of
Agriculture and Forestry to lecture on Japanese style diet and
nutrition science.

Took part in " Women's Forum '88" as producer and lecturer.
Took part regularly at "EAT9" on TV Asahi, "Information
scramble" on FM Tokyo.
Developed the nutrition computer program at a life insurance company.

Researched on diet and consciousness survey among women at climacteric
age (presented at Japan Society of Maternal Health)
Researched on diet and stress among University students.

Analyzed hair of children in a community home and a juvenile training
school. Psychologically researched on painting and composition
writing at the juvenile training school.
Published "This is why you can't lose weight", "
How to be rewarded as parents"" Protect yourself from
modern diseases. Diet with and without risk "(supervised),
"The ultimate meditation diet", "Happy life menu"

Researched on diet of elementary school students on summer vacation.
Researched on diet of a sumo stable. (Appeared on Mainichi newspaper)
Researched on allergy and diet in kindergarten and nursery school.

Researched on stress and diet.
Wrote regularly for a magazine "The・21".

Participated in symposium" Agriculture and food" organized
by Mainichi newspaper.
Published "climacteric disorder can be treated".

Published "dining tables in the world"," How to
take oil can determine your life length".
Women's Scientist Forum in Hagiwara city, Gifu prefecture "Water,
and land and mother"
Women's Scientist Forum in Sapporo, Hokkaido prefecture "Agriculture
in future"

Published " Treating the three big lifestyle-related diseases
with food"
Researched in collaboration with engineering department in Tamagawa
University on cerebrum function and vitamin B1deficiency.

Published "For wise and beautiful carrier life", "
-Akiko Sugahara's super cooking 3- Diet with Ying and Yang food
to change your colder body tendency"
Researched in collaboration with engineering department in Tamagawa
University on cerebrum function and vitamin B1deficiency.

Researched in collaboration with engineering department in Tamagawa
University on cerebrum function and vitamin B1deficiency.
Visit Thailand an on-site research on EM organic agricultural
method by MESSIANITY Church of World.
Participated in Symposium on food and agriculture organized by
MESSIANITY Church of World.

Organized and produced four times of "Women's Scientist Forum
in Tokyo"
Produced a series of 13 cooking program "Vitamin ABC for
beauty" on a cable TV.
Published " Traditional Japanese food keeps children from
loosing control"
Started collaboration research with engineering department in
Tamagawa University on negative ion
Visited Shanghai to inspect model green houses with organic agricultural

Women's Scientist Forum for the first time at Yakushi-ji temple
(two days long)
Women Scientist Forum in Tokyo (four times a year)
Produced a TV series of five shows "ecology maestro in 21st
century" in collaboration with Imagica.
Produced "ecology city Zurich" for a cable TV (Five
shows went on air)
Published " Eating out on diet" and others
Published three papers on negative ion in collaboration with Tamagawa
Gave memorial lecture on negative ion at engineering department
in Tamagawa University.

The second Women's Scientist Forum at Yakushiji temple
Women's Scientist Forum in Okinawa "Potentiality of reduced
form agriculture in the 21st century".
Published " The secret of dark colored foods"
Published three papers on negative ion in collaboration with Tamagawa
Officially started health and science website for women "haru"
Officially started web based magazine "haru".
Provided So-net (Internet service provider) with recipes from
"the recipe of the day" in website "haru".
Conducted experiment for four months on orchid growth promotion
by negative ion in green house.

Published "Invitation to negative ion life" and three
other books
Published two books on negative ion in Korean.
The third Women Scientist forum at Yakushi-ji temple
Published paper "Research on diet and living habit of children
in nursery school and kindergarten in relation with allergy"
on magazine " Shidax Research vol.11" by Shidax Research
Produced diet articles in collaboration with an web magazine for
women. The articles were introduced in series on Nikkei newspaper
Participated in a symposium in Las Vegas Together with Barbara
E. Corkey PhD, Immediate Past-President at North American Association
For The Study of Obesity (NAASO) organized by Diana Co., Ltd.
(company of undergarment and diet program)

Conducted experiment to research chrysanthemum growth promotion
by negative ion.
Researched on sick house syndrome with newly built or remodeled
houses, and formaldehyde extinction in newly built eco-house,
Installed to be a member of NHK management committee in 2002.
(NHK: Japan Broadcasting Corporation, Japan's sole public broadcaster)